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Updated meeting times: Tuesdays @7:10pm in 192-104

Team Tech is a multidisciplinary engineering project team open to all students looking to develop and/or share their skills while following a year-long project exploring all steps of the engineering design process. This year we are sponsored by Abbott to build a portable biomechanical surrogate for the left side of the heart as a training model for minimally invasive transcatheter devices. This device will represent the inferior vena cava, atrial septum and the mitral valve. The device’s ultimate use is to train cardiac surgeons on the different steps of transcatheter device procedure (vascular access, transseptal puncture, and device positioning) using relevant dimensions of the human heart anatomy with interchangeability to simulate different anatomical conditions or pathologies.
Meetings are Tuesday's at 7:10 PM in 192-104. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions or more information!
Current Projct
Current Project

Project summary:
Project Name: Anatomical Heart Model for Transcatheter Device Training
Our Task: Building an anatomically accurate, portable biomechanical surrogate for the left side of the heart that represents relevant dimensions of the human heart anatomy with interchangeability to simulate different anatomical conditions and pathologies.
Project Use:
Serves as a training model for minimally invasive transcatheter devices
Training cardiac surgeons on the different steps of transcatheter device procedure (vascular access, transseptal puncture, and device positioning)
General Team Tech Description:
Team Tech is a multidisciplinary engineering project team as a branch of the Society of Women Engineers. This year-long project explores all steps of the engineering design process: research, design, prototyping/iterations, manufacturing, and testing validation. Throughout the year, we hold workshops to learn and share technical skills directly applicable to the project and our careers.
Everyone, all majors, genders, and skill levels are welcome to join!

Tech Tech Officers
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